In daily life and work, greeting is an essential social etiquette. But how to say hello in concise and appropriate language to make the other person feel comfortable and happy is an art. This article will introduce you to greetings with high response rates and help you become an excellent social expert.
1. Greetings
"Hello", "Good morning", "Good evening", etc. These are common greetings that can be used in any situation. If you want to greet someone more affectionately, use words like "Hi," "Hello," and "How are you."
2. Self-introduction
When meeting for the first time, self-introduction is essential. You can say: "My name is XXX, nice to meet you." or "I am XXX from XXX company. We have contacted by email before."
3. Express concern
Express Caring can make the other person feel warm and valued. For example: "How are you doing?", "How are you doing?", "Is there anything you need help with?", etc.
4. Common topics
Finding common topics can make the conversation smoother and more enjoyable. For example: "I heard that you also like to travel? Where have you been recently?", "Have you seen the recently released movies? What did you think?" etc.
5. Farewell words
When ending a conversation, it is also essential to say goodbye politely. You can say: "Goodbye", "Let's talk next time", "Have a nice day", etc.
Greeting is one of the most basic etiquettes in social interaction, but how to say hello in concise and appropriate language requires us to continue to learn and practice. Through greetings, introductions, expressions of concern, common topics of conversation, and farewells, we can be a good social butterfly and make everyone feel comfortable and entertained.