In the eyes of boys, if you like a girl, you must show it boldly. If a boy deliberately avoids a girl, he is either very bored, or he does not like the girl and is afraid of getting involved with her. But what does it mean for girls to deliberately avoid it? Some people say that only when a girl deliberately avoids you does she really like you, is that true? Will a girl shy away from a boy because she likes him?
1. I have low self-esteem because I like it
Which girls with low self-esteem, when they meet the boy they like? Sometimes she feels that she doesn't look good enough or pretty enough, and worries that you don't like her. She will inevitably shrink back when facing a boy she likes. She is always worried and afraid. In fact, this is very bad, but girls with low self-esteem can't control themselves. On the one hand, I really look forward to meeting the boy I like and feel happy when I meet him, but when I do meet him, I pretend not to see him or deliberately avoid him. When you don't like someone, you often make eye contact with them, but when you like them, you deliberately avoid them. It's just hopeless.
2. Although I like it, I don’t feel safe
Some girls deliberately avoid boys when they meet them, not because they are not enough. Like, but the more you like someone, the more you avoid them. The reason is very simple. Such girls tend to be insecure and afraid of getting hurt. Also, I have a strong self-esteem and don’t want to be the first to say I love someone. In the mind of such a girl, she thinks that if she likes someone who doesn't like her and shows it, her rejection will hurt her self-esteem, and she is afraid that the person she likes will laugh at her. This is actually a psychological barrier. Girls alone You can't defeat her unless you tell her how much you like her first.
3. I am shy because I like it
For a girl, if she can last for a long time (3 seconds Above) If you look at someone of the opposite sex without looking away, you either have no feelings for him at all, or you are already an old married couple. Because you are fearless, you have no worries. On the other hand, girls behave shyly because they like someone. They have more delicate inner thoughts and are more alienated in terms of personality. They cannot naturally face boys' favorable behaviors and looks, so they deliberately avoid boys. illusion.
4. Disappointed because I like you
If a girl has shown a good impression of you before, and you The interaction is also very positive, but you suddenly find that she has started to avoid you recently. It was easy to see her face in the past, but now it is extremely difficult to meet her. Even if you see her, she turns around as if she didn't see you on purpose. Eyes, why is this? This situation actually means that a girl likes you at first, but then she realizes that there are many girls around you., but you don’t keep your distance. She thinks she is just one of your ambiguous girls, nothing special, so she stays away from you. Or maybe you said something or did something that touched her bottom line, and she is disappointed in you and plans to distance herself from you again.